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This timeline of drawings were from when I first started tracings, before I found I was good at drawing statues and modern art pieces. I was just figuring out my style. I drew with a variety of line thicknesses, and often a slight wobble in the line to add more dimensions to the drawings.

The images used for reference are pictures from my childhood and pictures of me, intermixed with a few pictures I've taken myself, and pictures from friends. 

Chapbook 4.jpg
Chapbook 3.jpg
Chapbook 2.jpg
Chapbook 7.jpg
Chapbook 5.jpg
Chapbook 9.jpg
Chapbook 8.jpg
Flower 4.jpg
Flower 5.jpg
Flower 3.jpg
Chapbook 10.jpg
Flower 6.jpg
Flower 7.jpg
Flower 8.jpg
olivia space small.jpg
All the Pretty Cages.jpg
Chapbook 11.jpg
Chapbook finished 1 .jpg

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